
Loops are an imperative way to execute an expression multiple times. Lazy provides two way to create an imperative loop: for and while.


In Lazy, the for loop only has one variant - for...in:

for i in 0..10 {
// Prints 0, then 1, then 2... up to 9

The expression after in can be any valid iterator - and an iterator satisfies the following type:

type Iterator<T> = { next: () -> T? } // Any struct with a "next" function is a valid iterator!


A traditional while loop. The expression gets executed as long as the condition is true.

while true {
    // A never ending loop!

Breaking a loop

Both types of loops are expressions... but what do they return? By default, none, unless you use the yield keyword inside them. The yield keyword stops the execution of the loop and returns the provided expression.

The following snippet checks if 20 is in vector and if it is, the value variable is set to true, otherwise it's none.

let vector = new Vec<i32>{ iter: 0..30 };

let value = for i in vector {
    if i == 20 yield true

if value print("20 is in the vector!")
else print("20 is NOT in the vector!")